Our Services

Aerial Fire Suppression

We've supported aerial firefighting missions since the early1990s, offering the speed, range, and versatility of the S-61, configured with internal/external tanks and/or longline and bucket to support firefighting missions.

We have extensive experience with wild land fire suppression and maintain Exclusive Use and Call When Needed contracts with customers including the US Forest Service, US Department of Interior, CAL Fire, Oregon Department of Forestry, Alaska Department of Forestry and the Washington Department of Natural Resources.

We developed the Croman Fire Tank System for their SH-3H airframes under Supplemental Type Certificate to complement the capability and safety of our aerial firefighting operations.

We are commitment to providing reliable professional services demonstrated by our continued engineering improvements to enhance safety and performance of our fleet. Helicopters performing under the Exclusive Use contracts consistently provide a 99%+ daily availability rate.

Heavy Lift Operations

Our operational experience includes precision placement of HVAC units, power-line construction, ski-lift construction, firefighting, aerial timber harvesting, external cargo delivery, charter operations, and many other specialized projects.

Aerial Timber Harvesting

We began helicopter logging in 1975 to complement and expand conventional timber harvesting operations. Using the helicopters increased production, decreased costs and reduced environmental impact. We currently only supply the aerial service, no ground crew. 

Overhaul, Repair and Parts

We have a complete in-house maintenance and overhaul capability to support the versatile S-61 helicopter. Major components are inspected and overhauled and the helicopters are maintained to a high standard by qualified technicians.

Croman developed and obtained approvals for equipment and improvements to enhance safety and performance.

We are a FAA Approved 14 CFR 145 Repair Station (JYER440F) with ratings for the Sikorsky S-61 Airframes, General Electric CT-58 Series gas turbine engines, line maintenance for Allison 250-C20 and C20B, and a limited hydraulic rating for the repair and overhaul of Sikorsky S-61 servos.

Component overhaul and repair processes are manufacturer and/or FAA-certified and approved. Our facility is comprised of hanger space, component overhaul shops for transmissions, rotor heads, tail rotor heads, gearboxes, and hydraulic shop for repair and overhaul of servos, avionics shop, and a machine shop.

How can we help?

Let us know your project needs and we will work with you to make it happen.

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