Our Fleet



The S-61 is a dependable multi-mission aircraft with an outstanding history record of reliability. The versatile platform of the S-61 can easily be configured to meet a wide variety of applications.


Length: 58 ft. 11 in. (17.96 m)

Height: 17 ft. 6 in. (5.13 m)

Rotor Diameter: 62 ft. (18.9 m)

Maximum Gross Weight: 22,000 lbs with STC SH5125NM

Maximum Speed VNE: 131 KIAS

Maximum Ceiling: 12,000 ft., DA @Takeoff and Landing -14,000 DA Enroute

Range: 430 NM + 30 minute reserve

Maximum External Lift Capacity: 10,000 lbs.


Transmission towers and poles

Rooftop and HVAC equipment

Remote site “general delivery” for construction equipment including tractors, excavators, skid steer units and materials

Ski lift towers and equipment

Cell tower sections and components

The S-61 is also capable of transporting internal cargo and passengers.

Aerial Fire Suppression

Aerial Timber Harvesting


2 - Sikorsky S-61 N (Standard Category)

4 - Sikorsky S-61 A (Restricted Category)

5 - CROMAN SH-3H (Restricted Category)


We currently operate a mix of eleven Standard and Restricted Category Sikorsky S-61 series helicopters. The helicopters can be equipped for a variety of missions including internal / external fire tank systems, buckets, longlines, specialty hook systems, and grapples for versatility and efficiency in placement of loads.

Our helicopter fleet operations are authorized under the provisions of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 133 External Load operations and Part 137 Agricultural Aircraft operations. Operations include aircraft charter, government contracting, external load precision placement, power-line construction, firefighting, aerial timber harvesting, external cargo delivery and many other specialty projects.